Friday, June 12, 2009

~ A Day In The Life...~

Well, here it is 2:45. I did vacuum today and I made the bed. Major accomplishments!!
The rest of my day has consisted of Jasper wanting to be held constantly, Hudson peeing in the floor, having no electricity and wondering if the kids and I needed to take cover from the storm. Needless to say, the forever planned swimming day was canceled. So, my next attempt for the day is to shower and make it to the library before they close. Dinner? It has been on my mind of what to make. I will have a trip to the store hopefully after the library trip. Thanks for listening everyone.

Love, Shaina

1 comment:

  1. We will not be defeated! Swimming soon!
    Hold the baby.
    Leave the pee.
    Order out dinner.
    Showers are overated, every three days is plenty.
